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Meaning of engulf: Delve into the meaning and definition of engulf on our page. Explore what engulf truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does engulf mean to you?

To engulf means to completely surround, cover, or overwhelm something. It can refer to a physical act of being swallowed up by something such as flames, water, or darkness. Metaphorically, it can describe a situation where a person or thing is consumed or overwhelmed by a powerful emotion, thought, or feeling. For example, one might feel engulfed by grief, engulfed by a sense of responsibility, or engulfed by the chaos of a situation. The word implies a sense of being completely immersed or absorbed in something, often to the point of feeling helpless or overwhelmed. Overall, to engulf is to be completely encompassed by a force that is beyond one's control, leading to a sense of being consumed or surrounded.