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Meaning of entitle: Delve into the meaning and definition of entitle on our page. Explore what entitle truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does entitle mean to you?

The word "entitle" in English has several meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. One common meaning is to give someone the right or permission to do something, or to provide them with a certain privilege or benefit. For example, if a company entitles its employees to certain benefits, it means that they are allowed to receive those benefits according to the company's policies. Another meaning of "entitle" is to give a title or name to something. For instance, an author may entitle their book with a specific name that reflects its content and themes. In this case, "entitle" refers to the act of assigning a title or name to something. Additionally, "entitle" can also mean to believe that one is inherently deserving of something, often without considering the implications or consequences. This sense of entitlement can be seen in people who expect special treatment or privileges without justification. In summary, the word "entitle" can refer to granting rights, assigning names, or displaying a sense of entitlement.