Examples of Ex-girlfriend in a Sentence
"Ex-girlfriend" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word ex-girlfriend? Please find below our selected examples of "Ex-girlfriend" in a sentence.
As a noun:
1. My ex-girlfriend and I used to go to that cafe all the time.
2. I ran into my ex-girlfriend at the grocery store yesterday.
3. My ex-girlfriend called me last night, but I didn't answer.
4. She was my ex-girlfriend, but we decided to give our relationship another chance.
5. I still have some of my ex-girlfriend's things at my place.
As a verb:
1. I just couldn't ex-girlfriend her after all the hurtful things she said.
2. He ex-girlfriended me out of the blue, and I still don't know why.
3. She ex-girlfriended me on social media and blocked my number.
4. I had to ex-girlfriend him because our relationship was toxic.
5. I hope we can still be friends even after ex-girlfriending each other.
As an adjective:
1. He's still in touch with his ex-girlfriend, which makes me uncomfortable.
2. The ex-girlfriend drama caused a lot of tension in our group of friends.
3. It's hard to move on when you keep running into your ex-girlfriend.
4. She brought her new boyfriend to a party where her ex-girlfriend was present.
5. My ex-girlfriend's family invited me to their Thanksgiving dinner.