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Meaning of fast: Delve into the meaning and definition of fast on our page. Explore what fast truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does fast mean to you?

"Fast" is a multi-meaning word in English with several definitions. One common meaning of "fast" is related to speed, indicating a high rate of motion or quick action. For example, a fast car can reach high speeds, or a fast thinker can quickly come up with ideas. Additionally, "fast" can refer to something being firmly fixed or difficult to move, as in a fastened belt or a stuck door. Another meaning of "fast" is related to abstaining from food, as in fasting for religious or health reasons. It can also mean to act in a deceitful or unreliable manner, such as someone playing fast and loose with the truth. Overall, "fast" is a versatile word with various meanings related to speed, stability, abstaining, and behavior.