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Meaning of fleet: Delve into the meaning and definition of fleet on our page. Explore what fleet truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does fleet mean to you?

Fleet can be used as a noun or an adjective with various meanings in English. As a noun, fleet can refer to a group of ships, vehicles, or aircraft operating together under the same ownership or command. For example, a navy may have a fleet of warships. Fleet can also refer to a group of similar things moving together, such as a fleet of trucks delivering goods. In a different context, fleet can mean a group of people who are under one authority or pursuing a common goal, like a fleet of volunteers working towards a cause. As an adjective, fleet can describe something that is quick or nimble. For example, a fleet-footed athlete is someone who is able to run quickly and agilely. Additionally, fleet can describe something that is transient or fleeting, like a fleet moment that passes quickly. In a more abstract sense, fleet can also describe something that is lightweight or minimal, such as fleet thoughts that come and go rapidly. Overall, the word fleet encompasses a range of meanings related to groups, speed, agility, and transience.