Categories: Human Body

"Foetus" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word foetus? Please find below our selected examples of "Foetus" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The foetus was carefully monitored by the obstetrician during the pregnancy.
2. The ultrasound showed the foetus growing healthily in the mother's womb.
3. The pregnant woman eagerly awaited the arrival of her foetus.
4. The development of the foetus was on track according to the doctor's observations.
5. The mother could feel the movements of the foetus as it kicked and squirmed inside her.

As an adjective:
6. The foetal position is a common way for babies to position themselves in the womb.
7. The doctor noted that the foetal heartbeat was strong and regular.
8. The nurse carefully monitored the foetal development during the pregnancy.
9. The expectant parents attended classes to learn about foetal growth and development.
10. The foetal stage of development is a crucial time for the future health of the baby.

As a verb:
11. The doctor advised the pregnant woman to rest and avoid any activities that could foetus the pregnancy.
12. It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to properly foetus the growth of the baby.
13. The mother did her best to foetus the health of her foetus by eating nutritious foods and getting regular check-ups.
14. The obstetrician explained how certain medications could negatively foetus the development of the foetus.
15. The mother attended prenatal yoga classes to help foetus relaxation and well-being for both herself and the foetus.