Categories: General

"Forego" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word forego? Please find below our selected examples of "Forego" in a sentence.

As a verb:
1. I decided to forego dessert to save room for the main course.
2. She had to forego her dream of travelling the world in order to focus on her career.
3. Let's forego the usual meeting agenda and address the most pressing issue first.
4. The company chose to forego traditional advertising in favor of a more targeted approach.
5. It's important to forego unnecessary expenses in order to save for the future.

As a noun:
1. The forego of his decision to step down as CEO came as a shock to many.
2. The forego of their relationship was inevitable given the circumstances.
3. We must carefully consider the forego of these changes before implementing them.