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Meaning of foreknow: Delve into the meaning and definition of foreknow on our page. Explore what foreknow truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does foreknow mean to you?

Foreknow is a verb in English that means to know or be aware of something before it happens or comes into existence. It implies a level of knowledge or awareness that precedes the actual occurrence of an event or the existence of a particular thing. This term is often used in a religious or philosophical context to refer to the belief in a divine being or force that has prior knowledge of all events and outcomes. In theology, foreknow is often associated with the concept of predestination or divine foreknowledge, suggesting that certain events are predetermined by a higher power. In a more general sense, foreknow can also simply mean to have advance knowledge or awareness of something based on logical reasoning or prior experience. Ultimately, the word foreknow conveys the idea of knowing something before it happens, whether through supernatural insight, rational deduction, or past observation.