
"Foretaste" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word foretaste? Please find below our selected examples of "Foretaste" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The appetizer provided a delicious foretaste of the meal to come.
2. The smell of fresh-baked bread gave us a foretaste of the bakery's offerings.
3. Her success in the preliminary rounds was a foretaste of what was to come in the finals.

As a verb:
4. The chef foretasted the soup before serving it to make sure it was seasoned correctly.
5. I couldn't resist foretasting the dessert before dinner was served.
6. The aroma of the stew wafted through the kitchen, foretasting a delicious meal.

As an adjective:
7. The student's foretaste of success motivated them to work even harder.
8. The early reviews of the movie were a foretaste of its box office success.
9. The scent of the flowers was a foretaste of the beauty that awaited us in the garden.

As an adverb:
10. The preview for the upcoming film was a foretaste exciting enough to make me want to see more.