Categories: General

"Form" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word form? Please find below our selected examples of "Form" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The sculptor molded the clay into the form of a bird.
2. Please fill out this form with your personal information.
3. The dancers moved gracefully in and out of formation.
4. The artist experimented with different forms of expression.
5. The clouds took on the form of a dragon in the sky.

As a verb:
1. Please form a line to board the bus.
2. The students will form small groups to discuss the project.
3. Heat can help to form the cookies into the desired shape.
4. Our team will form a plan of action for the upcoming event.
5. Their friendship began to form during their time working together.

As an adjective:
1. The ice took on a solid form in the freezer.
2. He had a strong form in the gym, lifting weights effortlessly.
3. The artist used form and color to create a striking painting.
4. She had a formal style of writing that was very structured.
5. The architect created a modern form for the new building.