
Meaning of foundation: Delve into the meaning and definition of foundation on our page. Explore what foundation truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does foundation mean to you?

The word "foundation" can be used in multiple contexts with varying meanings. In a literal sense, it refers to the structure that supports a building, serving as the base upon which the entire edifice stands. In a more abstract sense, "foundation" can also refer to the underlying basis or principles upon which something is built or established. This could be in reference to an organization's founding principles, a person's core beliefs, or the fundamental concepts on which a theory or argument is constructed. Additionally, "foundation" can also refer to a charitable organization that provides funding for various causes, such as education, healthcare, or research. These foundations often work to support specific initiatives or communities, functioning as a source of financial and sometimes organizational support. Overall, "foundation" can encompass the physical base of a structure, the underlying principles of a belief system, or an organization dedicated to providing support and resources for a particular cause.