Examples of Fully developed in a Sentence
"Fully developed" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word fully developed? Please find below our selected examples of "Fully developed" in a sentence.
As adjectives:
1. The project was finally approved once the fully developed plan was presented.
2. She was impressed by his fully developed physique after months of training.
3. The technology company unveiled its latest fully developed product to great acclaim.
As verbs:
1. It took years of hard work to fully develop his artistic talent.
2. The scientist was determined to fully develop his hypothesis through rigorous testing.
3. The organization's goal is to fully develop leadership potential in its employees.
As adverbs:
1. He was able to fully develop his skills through continuous practice.
2. She needed more time to fully develop her argument for the debate.
3. The team worked tirelessly to fully develop their app before the deadline.