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Meaning of genuine: Delve into the meaning and definition of genuine on our page. Explore what genuine truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does genuine mean to you?

The word "genuine" in English refers to something that is real, authentic, and sincere. It can be used to describe people, objects, or emotions that are not fake or counterfeit. When referring to a person, being genuine means being true to oneself, honest, and transparent in interactions with others. For objects, something genuine is the real deal, not a copy or imitation. In emotions, being genuine means expressing true feelings without inhibition or pretense. Additionally, the word "genuine" can also imply a sense of quality or excellence. For example, a genuine leather jacket is made of real leather and is of high quality. Similarly, genuine friendship refers to a bond that is trustworthy, loyal, and sincere. In summary, "genuine" encompasses qualities such as authenticity, sincerity, honesty, and quality. It is a versatile term used to describe various aspects of life and can have both literal and metaphorical meanings.