
"Get married" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word get married? Please find below our selected examples of "Get married" in a sentence.

As verbs:
1. John and Sarah decided to get married after being together for five years.
2. They are planning to get married in the spring.
3. Many couples choose to get married on the beach.
4. I always dreamed of getting married in a beautiful castle.
5. In some cultures, couples have to get married through arranged marriages.

As nouns:
1. The couple's decision to get married surprised everyone.
2. The cost of the wedding made getting married seem daunting.
3. Getting married in Las Vegas is popular among celebrities.
4. The date they set to get married was the anniversary of their first date.
5. At the reception, they shared stories about how they met and decided to get married.