Examples of Globalisation in a Sentence
"Globalisation" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word globalisation? Please find below our selected examples of "Globalisation" in a sentence.
As a noun:
1. Globalisation has led to increased interconnectedness among countries around the world.
2. The process of globalisation has made it easier for companies to expand into new markets.
3. Critics argue that globalisation has resulted in the exploitation of cheap labor in developing countries.
4. The effects of globalisation can be seen in the international flow of goods, services, and ideas.
5. The benefits of globalisation include access to a wider range of products and services for consumers.
As a verb:
6. Many companies have globalised their operations in order to reach a larger customer base.
7. The decision to globalise manufacturing processes has helped reduce production costs.
8. Some experts advocate for globalising education in order to prepare students for a more interconnected world.
As an adjective:
9. The globalised economy has transformed the way businesses operate.
10. Globalised supply chains are vulnerable to disruptions in one part of the world affecting production worldwide.