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Meaning of handle: Delve into the meaning and definition of handle on our page. Explore what handle truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does handle mean to you?

The word "handle" can have multiple meanings in English. One common definition of "handle" is a part of an object designed for holding, grasping, or carrying it. For example, a door handle or a tool handle. In this sense, a handle is a physical component of an object that allows it to be manipulated or moved. Another meaning of "handle" is to manage or deal with a situation, problem, or task. For instance, one might say "She can handle difficult customers very well" or "He knows how to handle pressure at work". In this context, "handle" refers to the ability to effectively navigate or control a situation. Additionally, "handle" can refer to a person's username on social media or online forums. For example, "What's your Twitter handle?" Overall, the word "handle" can be used to refer to a physical object, the act of managing a situation, or an online identifier.