
"Hero" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word hero? Please find below our selected examples of "Hero" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The hero bravely saved the child from the burning building.
2. She always admired the hero in the adventure books she read.
3. The war veteran was hailed as a hero for his heroic actions on the battlefield.
4. Every town has its local hero, someone who goes above and beyond to help others.
5. The hero of the movie sacrificed himself to save the world from destruction.

As a verb:
1. He heroically fought off the attackers to protect his family.
2. She heroed her way through the challenges, never giving up.
3. The firefighter heroed his way into the burning building to rescue the trapped residents.

As an adjective:
1. She always looked up to her hero father, who seemed so strong and wise.
2. The hero dog led the search party to the missing child.
3. The hero student was congratulated for his outstanding achievements.