Examples of High standard in a Sentence
"High standard" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word high standard? Please find below our selected examples of "High standard" in a sentence.
As a noun
1. The company maintains a high standard of quality in all its products.
2. It's important to set a high standard for yourself in everything you do.
3. The school upholds a high standard of academic excellence.
4. The hotel's reputation is built on its high standard of service.
As an adjective
1. She has always held herself to a high standard of professionalism.
2. The chef's dishes are known for their high standard of presentation.
3. The project was completed to a high standard, exceeding expectations.
4. Our goal is to deliver work of consistently high standard to our clients.
As an adverb
1. The team worked diligently to maintain their performance at a high standard.
2. He expects his employees to work quickly but always to a high standard.
3. They strive to provide excellent customer service to everyone who visits their store, consistently maintaining a high standard.