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"Highly sensitive" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word highly sensitive? Please find below our selected examples of "Highly sensitive" in a sentence.

As adjectives:
1. She is a highly sensitive person and is easily affected by the emotions of others.
2. The highly sensitive equipment required careful handling to prevent damage.
3. The sensor is designed to be highly sensitive to even the slightest changes in temperature.
4. Some individuals are highly sensitive to certain foods and may experience allergic reactions.
5. The artist's highly sensitive approach to colors and textures resulted in a truly unique masterpiece.

As adverbs:
1. The machine was calibrated to operate highly sensitively to ensure precise measurements.
2. The therapist listened highly sensitively to the client's concerns, demonstrating empathy and understanding.

As nouns:
1. My sister is a highly sensitive, caring soul who always puts others' needs before her own.
2. The highly sensitive of the microphone picked up every sound in the room.
3. Researchers have identified a group of highly sensitives who exhibit unique responses to stimuli.