
"Honorably" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word honorably? Please find below our selected examples of "Honorably" in a sentence.

As an adverb:
1. He served honorably in the military for ten years.
2. She always conducted herself honorably in difficult situations.
3. The soldier was honorably discharged after completing his service.
4. The judge acted honorably in sentencing the defendant fairly.

As an adjective:
1. His honorably actions earned him the respect of his peers.
2. The award was given to honorably students who excelled in academics.
3. She was honorably mentioned in the company's annual report.
4. The organization recognized him honorably for his dedication to the cause.

As a verb:
1. They vowed to honorably uphold the traditions of their ancestors.
2. It is important to honorably fulfill your commitments.
3. The team captain always encouraged his players to compete honorably.
4. The family decided to honorably remember their loved one's legacy.