
"Host" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word host? Please find below our selected examples of "Host" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. The host of the party greeted each guest at the door.
2. The host of the talk show welcomed the celebrity with open arms.
3. The internet service provider acts as a host for numerous websites.
4. The parasites found a suitable host in the unsuspecting hiker.
5. The host of the Airbnb rental provided all the necessary amenities for their guests.

As a verb:
1. Jane decided to host a dinner party to celebrate her promotion.
2. The restaurant will host a live music event next week.
3. The website can host up to 1000 users at once.
4. The company agreed to host the conference at their headquarters.
5. The school will host a fundraising event to support the local community.

As an adjective:
1. The host country was lauded for its hospitality during the international summit.
2. The host family made sure their exchange student felt welcome and comfortable.
3. The host server experienced a sudden surge in traffic.
4. The host hotel for the event offered discounted room rates for attendees.
5. The host city prepared for an influx of tourists during the peak season.