
Meaning of husky voice: Delve into the meaning and definition of husky voice on our page. Explore what husky voice truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does husky voice mean to you?

A "husky voice" refers to a deep, rough, and somewhat hoarse vocal quality. It is typically described as being rich, resonant, and full-bodied, often with a low pitch. People with husky voices may sound powerful, intense, or even seductive when they speak or sing. The term "husky" can also be used to describe someone who has a naturally deep voice, regardless of the specific qualities of their vocal tone. This type of voice can be attractive to some individuals and is often associated with characteristics such as strength, maturity, and emotional depth. Overall, a husky voice can add a unique and captivating element to a person's communication style and can leave a memorable impression on listeners.