
"I'd be glad to help" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word I'd be glad to help? Please find below our selected examples of "I'd be glad to help" in a sentence.

As interjection:
1. "I'd be glad to help," I said, eager to lend a hand.
2. "Can I assist you with that task?" "I'd be glad to help!"
3. "I'm here to support you in any way I can," she replied, "I'd be glad to help."

As noun:
1. His willingness to offer assistance was evident when he said, "I'd be glad to help."
2. Recognizing her friend's need for support, she said, "I'd be glad to help in any way I can."

As verb:
1. She was always quick to offer, "I'd be glad to help with that project."
2. Whenever someone needed assistance, he would say, "I'd be glad to help out."