
"I'll call you on friday" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word I'll call you on Friday? Please find below our selected examples of "I'll call you on friday" in a sentence.

As a verb:
1. I'll call you on Friday to discuss the project in more detail.
2. Can you remind me to call you on Friday to confirm our dinner plans?
3. She promised she'll call you on Friday with the final decision.
4. Do you think you'll be free to talk if I call you on Friday night?

As a noun:
1. I'll give you a call on Friday to catch up.
2. Let's schedule a call on Friday to go over the budget.
3. She mentioned she'll make a call on Friday to check on your progress.

As an adjective:
1. We have a call on Friday to review the new proposal.
2. It's a call on Friday where we will announce the winner.
3. The scheduled call on Friday will be crucial for our project's success.