
"I'll pay for dinner" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word I'll pay for dinner? Please find below our selected examples of "I'll pay for dinner" in a sentence.

As a statement
1. I'll pay for dinner tonight, don't worry about it.
2. He insisted that he'll pay for dinner as a gesture of gratitude.
3. You always pay for dinner, let me treat you tonight.
4. We can split the bill, or I'll pay for dinner this time.

As a question
5. Do you mind if I pay for dinner tonight?
6. Would you like me to pay for dinner or should we split the bill?
7. Can I offer to pay for dinner as a thank you for hosting us?

As a response
8. I appreciate the offer, but I'll pay for dinner this time.
9. Thanks for treating me to lunch last time, this time I'll pay for dinner.
10. That's very generous of you, but let me pay for dinner tonight.