
"I'm hungry" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word I'm hungry? Please find below our selected examples of "I'm hungry" in a sentence.

As a statement:
1. I'm hungry and could really use a snack right now.
2. It's been hours since I last ate, and I'm hungry!
3. I'm hungry enough to eat a horse.
4. I'm so hungry, my stomach is growling loudly.

As a question:
1. Are you hungry? I'm starving!
2. Why didn't you tell me you were hungry?
3. Would you like to grab something to eat? I'm hungry.

As an exclamation:
1. I'm hungry! Let's go get some food.
2. I'm hungry for some good old-fashioned home cooking.
3. Wow, I'm really hungry after that workout.

As an expression of frustration:
1. Ugh, I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat in the house.
2. I can't focus on anything because I'm so hungry.
3. Why does it always feel like I'm hungry right before lunchtime?