
"I must say" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word I must say? Please find below our selected examples of "I must say" in a sentence.

As a statement:
1. I must say, this dish is absolutely delicious.
2. I must say, I am impressed with your dedication to finishing this project on time.
3. I must say, the view from up here is breathtaking.
4. I must say, your performance in the play was outstanding.

As a realization:
5. I must say, I never thought I would be able to accomplish this goal.
6. I must say, he is much taller in person than I expected.
7. I must say, I didn't realize how difficult this task would be until now.

As a decision:
8. I must say, I will be taking a different approach to solving this problem.
9. I must say, I have made up my mind and will be leaving for Paris next week.

As a duty:
10. I must say, it is my responsibility to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
11. I must say, I am obligated to report any suspicious activities to the authorities.