
Meaning of ignoble: Delve into the meaning and definition of ignoble on our page. Explore what ignoble truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does ignoble mean to you?

The word "ignoble" in English refers to something that is not honorable or noble in character or quality. It is often used to describe actions, behavior, or people that are lacking in dignity, moral principles, or nobility. An ignoble act is one that is base, shameful, or dishonorable. For example, betraying a friend's trust for personal gain would be considered an ignoble act. Similarly, a leader who lies to their constituents or acts out of self-interest rather than the common good would be seen as ignoble. In literature and historical contexts, the term may also refer to someone of low birth or social status, or to actions that are considered beneath the dignity of a person of rank or privilege. Overall, "ignoble" conveys a sense of moral inferiority or lack of honor.