Examples of Illustrated book in a Sentence
"Illustrated book" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word illustrated book? Please find below our selected examples of "Illustrated book" in a sentence.
As a noun:
1. She picked up an illustrated book about dinosaurs at the bookstore.
2. The illustrated book on gardening had beautiful watercolor drawings.
3. The children were captivated by the images in the illustrated book.
4. The library has a great selection of illustrated books for all ages.
5. Reading an illustrated book before bed can help you relax.
As a verb:
1. She illustrated the book with colorful drawings.
2. The artist was commissioned to illustrate the book.
3. The author hired an illustrator to bring the characters to life in the book.
As an adjective:
1. The illustrated book was a bestseller.
2. She received an award for her illustrated book.
3. The illustrated book cover caught my eye at the store.
4. The class discussed the themes portrayed in the illustrated book.