
Meaning of impertinent: Delve into the meaning and definition of impertinent on our page. Explore what impertinent truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does impertinent mean to you?

"Impertinent" in English can have a few different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common definition of "impertinent" is showing a lack of respect or rudeness. For example, if someone asks a personal question that is considered inappropriate, it could be described as impertinent. Another meaning of "impertinent" is being irrelevant or not pertinent to the matter at hand. This could refer to comments or actions that are off-topic or unrelated to the current discussion. In a more formal or legal sense, "impertinent" can also mean improperly forward or bold. This could describe someone who is overly confident or presumptuous in their behavior. Overall, "impertinent" carries a connotation of inappropriateness, irrelevance, or rudeness in various contexts.