Categories: General

"Impossible" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word impossible? Please find below our selected examples of "Impossible" in a sentence.

As nouns:
1. The task seemed like an impossible for our team to complete in such a short amount of time.
2. The idea of time travel is often dismissed as an impossible by many scientists.
3. Failure is not an option, even if the odds seem impossible.

As verbs:
1. She believed it was impossible for her dreams to come true, but she never stopped working towards them.
2. The team will attempt the seemingly impossible task of breaking the world record this weekend.
3. Despite the odds, he refused to accept that success was impossible.

As adjectives:
1. The mountain appeared impossible to climb without the proper equipment.
2. The teacher gave the students an impossible math problem to solve, just to challenge them.
3. Trying to please everyone is an impossible task that often leads to disappointment.