Categories: General

Meaning of independence: Delve into the meaning and definition of independence on our page. Explore what independence truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does independence mean to you?

Independence refers to the state of being self-reliant, autonomous, and free from outside control or influence. It can apply to individuals, groups, or nations and is often associated with the ability to make decisions and take actions without being dependent on others. Independence can also relate to financial independence, where an individual is able to support themselves without relying on others for financial assistance. Additionally, independence can refer to political independence, where a nation or state is self-governing and not subject to the control of another country. Overall, independence conveys a sense of freedom, self-sufficiency, and self-determination. It is a fundamental aspect of human rights and personal empowerment, allowing individuals and groups to pursue their goals and interests without being constrained by external forces.