
"Indisposition" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word indisposition? Please find below our selected examples of "Indisposition" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. His indisposition to exercise often led to his poor physical health.
2. She called in sick to work, citing an indisposition to come into the office.
3. The doctor diagnosed him with an indisposition that required bed rest.

As a verb:
4. She had to indispose herself from attending the party due to a sudden illness.
5. The spicy food seemed to indispose him, as he felt unwell after eating it.

As an adjective:
6. His indisposition towards change made it difficult for him to adapt to new situations.
7. The actress gave a lackluster performance, displaying her indisposition to rehearse properly.
8. The team struggled due to their indisposed leader being unable to make decisions.

As an adverb:
9. He sang indisposedly, struggling to hit the high notes in his song.
10. She walked indisposedly through the park, her exhaustion evident in every step she took.