Examples of Inducement in a Sentence
"Inducement" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word inducement? Please find below our selected examples of "Inducement" in a sentence.
As a noun:
1. The company offered a cash inducement to attract new customers.
2. The promise of a promotion was the ultimate inducement for him to stay at his current job.
3. The government proposed tax breaks as an inducement for businesses to invest in new technology.
As a verb:
1. The recruiter tried to inducement him with promises of a higher salary.
2. The company plans to inducement potential investors by showcasing their strong track record.
3. He was inducemented by the offer of a free trial of the product.
As an adjective:
1. The inducement bonus package was very tempting for new employees.
2. The inducement offers were hard to resist.
3. The inducement agreement has been approved by both parties.