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Meaning of inhibit: Delve into the meaning and definition of inhibit on our page. Explore what inhibit truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does inhibit mean to you?

Inhibit" in English means to restrain, prevent, or hinder someone or something from acting or progressing in a normal or desired way. It can refer to the act of holding back or suppressing something, whether it be emotions, actions, or growth. Inhibiting factors can come in various forms, such as physical barriers, mental blocks, societal norms, or psychological constraints. In a psychological context, inhibition can refer to the conscious or unconscious restraint of impulsive behavior or desires. For example, someone might inhibit their anger in a tense situation to avoid escalation. In a biological context, inhibition can refer to the process of limiting or blocking certain biochemical reactions in the body. Enzymes, for example, can inhibit the activity of other enzymes to regulate metabolic pathways. Overall, "inhibit" carries the connotation of restriction or control, whether it be in a physical, mental, emotional, or biological sense.