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Meaning of inner: Delve into the meaning and definition of inner on our page. Explore what inner truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does inner mean to you?

The word "inner" in English typically refers to something located inside, within, or closer to the center of something else. It is often used to describe a person's thoughts, feelings, or characteristics that are not readily apparent to others. For example, someone's inner strength, inner demons, or innermost desires. It can also refer to a distinctive quality or essence that is deeply ingrained within someone. Additionally, "inner" can be used in a metaphorical sense to convey a sense of depth, introspection, or self-awareness. It suggests a level of depth beyond the surface or outward appearance, indicating a more profound or hidden aspect of a person or thing. In a physical context, "inner" can describe parts of the body or objects that are situated closer to the center or core. Overall, the word "inner" conveys a sense of depth, intimacy, or hidden significance.