
Meaning of insatiable: Delve into the meaning and definition of insatiable on our page. Explore what insatiable truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does insatiable mean to you?

The word "insatiable" in English refers to a strong and unquenchable desire or thirst that cannot be satisfied. It describes someone or something that constantly craves or seeks more, even if they have already received a significant amount. This term is often used to describe intense or unending hunger, thirst, or desire for something, whether it be physical, emotional, or psychological. It implies a sense of never being fully content or satisfied, always wanting more or feeling like there is something missing. An insatiable appetite for success, knowledge, power, or love would suggest a relentless pursuit of these goals without ever feeling fulfilled. Overall, "insatiable" conveys a sense of boundless need or craving that cannot be easily satisfied.