Categories: Law and Security

Meaning of invasion: Delve into the meaning and definition of invasion on our page. Explore what invasion truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does invasion mean to you?

"Invasion" is a term that typically refers to a situation where a large group of people, often armed, enter a place by force with the intention of taking control of it. This can apply to military invasions, where one country attacks and occupies another, or to more general forms of invasion, such as when a large group of people enter a space without permission or in a disruptive manner. In a broader sense, invasion can also refer to the encroachment of something unwanted or harmful into a space or sphere, such as when an invasive species disrupts an ecosystem. Additionally, invasion can be used metaphorically to describe a sudden, overwhelming influx or intrusion of something undesirable, such as an invasion of privacy or an invasion of personal space. Overall, "invasion" carries connotations of aggression, trespassing, and disruption.