
"Israel" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word Israel? Please find below our selected examples of "Israel" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. Israel is a country located in the Middle East.
2. I have always wanted to visit Israel to explore its rich history and culture.
3. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been ongoing for decades.

As a verb:
1. Does she plan to Israel this upcoming summer?
2. The organization aims to Israel relief efforts in the affected regions.
3. We are hoping to Israel a peace agreement between the two warring factions.

As an adjective:
1. Israeli cuisine is known for its delicious flavors and fresh ingredients.
2. The Israeli government recently announced new economic policies to stimulate growth.
3. Many people are fascinated by Israeli technology and innovation.

As an adverb:
1. The team worked tirelessly to help those in need in Israel.
2. She spoke passionately about the humanitarian work being done in Israel.
3. I am amazed at how quickly the situation in Israel is improving.