
Meaning of jettison: Delve into the meaning and definition of jettison on our page. Explore what jettison truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does jettison mean to you?

The word "jettison" in English can have a couple of related meanings. One common meaning is to discard or get rid of something that is no longer useful or necessary, often in order to lighten a load or make room for more important things. This can be seen in a nautical context, where cargo or equipment might be jettisoned from a ship in distress in order to prevent worse outcomes, such as sinking. In a more figurative sense, "jettison" can also refer to letting go of ideas, beliefs, or practices that are holding one back in order to move forward more effectively. It can also mean rejecting an idea or a part of a plan that is no longer feasible or beneficial. Overall, "jettison" carries the connotation of deliberate and strategic removal or abandonment of something in order to achieve a greater good.