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Meaning of joint: Delve into the meaning and definition of joint on our page. Explore what joint truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does joint mean to you?

"Joint" in English can have several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common definition of "joint" is a point where two or more bones meet in the body, allowing for movement. For example, the knee is a joint that allows the leg to flex and extend. Another meaning of "joint" is a place where two or more things are joined or connected together, such as a hinge or seam. For instance, a door has joints where the hinges connect the door to the frame. In slang or informal language, "joint" can also refer to a place where people gather, such as a bar or restaurant. In a completely different context, "joint" can refer to a rolled marijuana cigarette, also known as a "joint". This meaning is more commonly used in informal or colloquial speech. Overall, the word "joint" can have various meanings related to connections, gatherings, or cannabis consumption.