Examples of Junk mail in a Sentence
"Junk mail" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word junk mail? Please find below our selected examples of "Junk mail" in a sentence.
As Nouns:
1. I always seem to receive so much junk mail in my mailbox every day.
2. The pile of junk mail on the kitchen table just keeps getting bigger.
3. Can you check the mailbox for any important letters and throw away the junk mail?
4. It's frustrating how much of our paper waste comes from junk mail.
As Verbs:
1. I need to junk mail all these advertisements that keep cluttering up my inbox.
2. Make sure to junk mail any suspicious-looking envelopes that could be scams.
3. The company decided to junk mail all their outdated promotional materials.
4. After sorting through the mail, she began to junk mail anything that wasn't relevant.
As Adjectives:
1. The junk mail folder in my email account is overflowing.
2. I always delete unwanted messages to keep my inbox junk mail-free.
3. Receiving so much junk mail can be overwhelming and annoying.
4. It's important to regularly clear out junk mail to avoid missing important emails.