
Meaning of laugh: Delve into the meaning and definition of laugh on our page. Explore what laugh truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does laugh mean to you?

The word "laugh" in English refers to the act of making sounds with one's voice and mouth to express amusement or joy. It is a natural response to something funny or enjoyable, often accompanied by smiling or facial expressions of happiness. Laughter is a universal human behavior that can strengthen social bonds, alleviate stress, and improve mood. It can come in various forms, such as chuckling, giggling, or belly laughing, each reflecting different levels of intensity or amusement. Laughter is not only a way to communicate positive emotions but can also serve as a coping mechanism during difficult or challenging times. Overall, laughter is a powerful and contagious expression of happiness that can bring people together and brighten their spirits.