
Meaning of laurel: Delve into the meaning and definition of laurel on our page. Explore what laurel truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does laurel mean to you?

In English, the word "laurel" can refer to a few different things. One common meaning of "laurel" is a type of shrub or small tree with glossy, evergreen leaves. Laurel plants are often used in landscaping or for culinary purposes, such as adding flavor to dishes. Another meaning of "laurel" is a wreath or crown made from the leaves of the laurel plant. In ancient Greece and Rome, the laurel wreath was a symbol of victory and honor. It was often awarded to athletes, poets, and heroes as a sign of achievement. Additionally, "laurel" can be used metaphorically to signify honor, distinction, or achievement. For example, someone may be said to "rest on their laurels" if they become complacent after achieving success. Overall, "laurel" carries connotations of victory, honor, and excellence in various contexts.