Categories: General

"Look" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word look? Please find below our selected examples of "Look" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. Take a look at the beautiful painting hanging on the wall.
2. The intense look in his eyes revealed his true feelings.
3. Give me a quick look at the report before you submit it.

As a verb:
1. She looked out the window and saw the first snowflakes falling.
2. When you look closely, you can see the intricate details in the design.
3. He looked around the room, searching for his lost keys.
4. Look both ways before crossing the street to ensure your safety.

As an adverb:
1. The children played happily while the parents watched them look.
2. He asked her to please look over the contract before signing it.
3. She looked carefully at the map to make sure she understood the directions.