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Meaning of look through: Delve into the meaning and definition of look through on our page. Explore what look through truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does look through mean to you?

"Look through" can have a few different meanings in English. One meaning of "look through" is to physically see or examine something in detail, often by searching through a collection of items. For example, "I looked through my closet to find a pair of shoes that matched my outfit." Another meaning of "look through" is to quickly read or examine something, typically a document or a set of information. For instance, "I just need to look through this report one more time before the meeting." Additionally, "look through" can mean to see past someone or something, as if they are transparent or invisible. This can be used in a metaphorical sense, such as "She saw right through his excuses." Overall, "look through" can refer to physically searching, examining, or reading something, as well as metaphorically seeing past something or someone.