
"Love at first sight" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word love at first sight? Please find below our selected examples of "Love at first sight" in a sentence.

As a noun:
1. Many people believe in love at first sight, while others think it's just a myth.
2. The idea of love at first sight is often portrayed in romantic movies and novels.
3. Some couples claim they experienced love at first sight when they met each other.
4. Do you think love at first sight is possible, or is it simply infatuation?
5. For some, love at first sight is the ultimate romantic fantasy.

As a verb:
1. She knew she loved him at first sight when their eyes met across the crowded room.
2. He fell in love at first sight with the beautiful girl who walked into the cafe.
3. People can often be quick to dismiss the idea of falling in love at first sight.
4. Have you ever experienced love at first sight, or do you believe it's just a fairy tale?

As an adjective:
1. Their love-at-first-sight relationship seemed like a storybook romance.
2. Do you believe in the concept of love at first sight, or do you think it's unrealistic?
3. She described their meeting as a love-at-first-sight moment that changed her life forever.