
Meaning of mad: Delve into the meaning and definition of mad on our page. Explore what mad truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does mad mean to you?

The word "mad" in English has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. One common meaning of "mad" is to describe someone who is mentally ill or insane. This can refer to someone experiencing a temporary state of irrationality or a more serious mental health condition. Another meaning of "mad" is to describe someone who is extremely angry or upset. In this sense, it can be synonymous with words like furious, enraged, or livid. "Mad" can also be used informally to mean excited or enthusiastic about something. For example, someone might say they are mad about a new book or movie they love. Furthermore, "mad" can also mean very fast or quick, as in "driving mad speed." Overall, the word "mad" is versatile and can carry a range of meanings related to mental health, anger, excitement, and speed.