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Meaning of make fun of: Delve into the meaning and definition of make fun of on our page. Explore what make fun of truly means and discover its profound significance in the human experience. What does make fun of mean to you?

To "make fun of" someone means to tease, mock, or ridicule them in a lighthearted or playful manner. It involves making jokes or sarcastic comments about someone's actions, appearance, or personality, often with the intention of causing amusement or laughter. However, it can sometimes veer into the territory of bullying or being hurtful if done in a mean-spirited way. Making fun of someone can be a form of bonding or social interaction among friends or peers, but it can also be a form of belittling or disrespecting someone. Overall, making fun of someone involves making light-hearted jokes or teasing them in a playful way, but it is important to consider the feelings and reactions of the person being made fun of to ensure that it remains good-natured and not hurtful.