Examples of Malay in a Sentence
"Malay" in a Sentence: What is a good sentence for the word Malay? Please find below our selected examples of "Malay" in a sentence.
As a noun
1. The Malay language is widely spoken in Southeast Asia.
2. I have a friend who is of Malay descent.
3. The food at the Malay restaurant is delicious.
4. Malays make up a significant portion of the population in Malaysia.
As an adjective
1. She prepared a Malay curry for dinner.
2. The Malay culture is rich in tradition.
3. The Malay community is known for its hospitality.
4. Have you tried the Malay dance before?
As a verb
1. He decided to Malay his cooking skills by attending a culinary class.
2. The chef always makes sure to Malay the flavors in his dishes.
3. She learned how to Malay traditional songs from her grandmother.